Celebrating Sonia & Jabril with Annann!

Celebrating Sonia & Jabril with Annann!

“Mummy always said I wont be getting a husband because I am too messy but I have finally found someone who will pick up after me!”
– Sonia’s vows

We have always loved photographing animals with their “pawrents” so when Sonia told us that her doggie, Annann, would be attending her wedding, we were super excited! And boy did she do well! She walked down the stairs carrying the rings for the solemnization and showed no fear or hesitation with the smoke of the dry ice when marching in during the wedding lunch.

Sonia did up all the flowers and setup for her own wedding! Check out her own The Bloom Inc!

VG: Darcher Films
Bride’s Makeup: Shuzhen
Illustrators: Lazy Yoogie + Suntang
Gown: Lyra Studio SG
Mum’s Makeup: Yuhui (13 rushes)
Groom + Fathers Suit: Ethan Men
Setup +Signage + Flowers: The Bloom Inc
Dog: Annann
Wedding Solemnization and Lunch Venue: Intercontinental Singapore

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